I know you were missing new posts for me, but now I am back! :)

Here are the main updates for the last week:

  • Turns out my choice of the validation set was not good, it consisted of cats only! I switched to the one prescribed by Bart.

  • I learnt how to use cluster, and now I can do a lot of hyperparameter search.

  • I dropped the fancy initialization inherited from Blocks MNIST example. The simpler the better.

  • I realized, that I was using a way too small batch size. Increasing it from 10 to 100 made training much faster, and I trained my LeNet two times longer.

My current results are:

  • The test error is 19.9%.

  • The validation error is lower, it oscillates between 15% and 20%.

  • The training error is about 20% when with random cropping and 18.2% without it. This means I do not overfit at all! I find this rather strange.


  • More layers! Two convolutional layers is far from enough.

  • Train longer, the validation error keep improving.

  • Save the best model (for now I am just using the last one).

And here is training curve:
