Data processing revisited - 83.6%
I have realized that my current data processing method is non-sense. Let’s take again a quick look at the histogram of the minimal dimension:
For most images both dimensions are more than 300. This means that by choosing a 128x128 window I focus only on a small part of the image.
I tried a new preprocessing, which resizes the images to have a minimal dimension of strictly 128. The results for my LeNet are shown on the picture below (10c is with the old prerocessing, 17 is with the new one). Now I finally observe the overfitting one is supposed to suffer on a dataset of only 25k examples! However, the old preprocessing had a strong data augmentation effect, which I think I lack with the new one. I think I should keep margins along both dimensions, much like they do it in AlexNet paper: their network expects 224x224 image, but they crop it from a 256x256 one.